Board of Directors Election 2024
Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Board Election!
These directors will serve a three year term beginning in January. They are joined by 10 other seated directors.
Jessica Accamando - Creative Fish Studio
Andrew Gawdun - Curious...
Andrea N. Giancoli - civic member
Amanda Holsinger - Beach & Beverly
Kathy Knoll - Uncorked
Application for the Board of Directors closed on September 17th at 5:00 PM (PST).
The Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce is lead by a board of directors. There are currently 17 seated members and you can see them here. Each year, there is an election in early November to elect new members to opening seats from those who are retiring, terming out or resigning.
Our election process:
- August: Formation of a nominations committee of 3-5 board members appointed by board chairman. They discuss, outreach and recruit potential members based on member expertise or contributions to the Chamber/community.
- August: An announcement is made to the member community of the upcoming election and folks are invited to give notice to the president or nominations committee of their interest in running for the board
- September: the official board application is emailed and posted on socials for the full membership. Applicants are sent to the nominations committee for consideration. There is a deadline assigned to the application by the President/CEO of Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 at 5pm PST.
- Third Thursday of September: the nominations committee selects a slate of candidates they feel is best suited and presents it to the board for a vote. That slate is then publicized to the membership by email and social media.
- One week after board meeting: Any applicants not selected by the board may petition to be on the ballot - requiring 10 signatures of business members in good standing. A deadline submission date is determined by the committee.
- Late October: The nominations committee validates the petitions (verifying members in good standing).
- Early November: The ballot is sent out to the membership. Only members in good standing receive a ballot but any members who pay dues in the election period may receive a late ballot. Note that civic members and artist memberships are not eligible to vote.
- Third Wednesday of November: All ballots are due the day before the November Chamber Board of Directors meetings. The election winners are validated at the November Board meeting.
- New members are seated in January.