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Parade Participant Details & Logistics


SATURDAY MARCH 15, 2025 - 11AM

City of Hermosa Beach, Pier Ave.,
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

March 1

Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce presents the 29th Annual Hermosa Beach St. Patrick's Day Parade on Saturday, March 15, 2025. Over 70 local businesses, civic organizations and school marching bands traditionally take part in the seven-block parade down the beautifully restored Pier Avenue.

Day of Event Details


  • Arrival 9:00 AM (enter through Valley Drive and 8th Street)
  • Check-in starts 9:00 AM: City Hall Parking lot 1315 Valley Drive
  • Dignitary Check-in starts: 10:00 AM (at City Hall Parking Lot)
  • Check-In/Staging Area Location: 8th Street and Valley Drive


  • Bus Drop-Off Location: 710 Pier Avenue*. Buses proceed to Hermosa Ave and park between 10th and 8th st.
  • To drop off children (i.e., Brownie, Girl Scout, Little League), drop-off at South Park parking area (425 Valley Drive, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254)
  • Any trucks that need to drop off bikes or other gear for parade, you must unload at South Park or Valley School (1645 Valley Dr, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254). Note: Parking is limited.
  • Dignitaries have assigned parking at the Hermosa Community Center parking lot (710 Pier Avenue, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254)



  • Q: Is the driver included in the total count of participants?
    A: Yes
  • Q: Will we be charged on-site if we show up with more than 20 adults?
    A: Yes
  • Q: With the registration for the 'Car w/Driver,' do you provide the car?
    A: No, we do not provide the car
  • Q: Are trucks/cars allowed to drive in the parade?
    A: Yes, trucks and cars are allowed to drive in the parade, as well as, U-haul trailers.  NO buses.
  • Q: When will I find out our placement in the lineup?
    A: Unfortunately, because so much changes the last week of the parade, we do not notice with lineup numbers in advance. When you arrive for lineup Saturday morning, you will be directed to a place to park and then you'll visit the registration table in the City Hall parking lot to retrieve your number.
  • Q: Where do we go Saturday morning?
    A: To lineup, you'll enter on 8th Street and Valley Drive. You'll receive an assignment from the staff person about where to go.
  • Q: Can I make requests about where we are in the lineup?
    A: Yes, you can but we cannot guarantee honoring that request. A parade composition is complex and we try and vary the entries for maximum entertainment.
  • Q: Can people not in the parade join me in the lineup area?
    A: We kindly ask that you not bring non-participants to the lineup area as it's crowded, complex and can cause more stress on participants.
  • Q: Where do I park?
    A: Parking is very complicated on parade day in Hermosa. The City Hall and Community Center lots are reserved for dignitaries and vendors so parking is limited. Please consider a rideshare app or bicycling to the parade unless your vehicle is actually IN the parade.
  • Q: When do I sign the waiver?
    A: To save time, you have been send a digital/electronic waiver to sign in advance. Please sign that before arriving so that you do not hold up the line at registration.
  • Q: What time does the parade start?
    A: The parade will start promptly @ 11:00am. It steps off at the corner of Valley Drive and Pier Avenue.
  • Q: Where is parade "check-in" and staging area?
    A: check-in is located on Valley Drive @ 8th Street
  • Q: Where is the registration booth and pick up vehicle number and relevant signage?
    A: 9:00 AM Registration Booth @ City Hall – 1315 Valley Drive
  • Q: How can I get information on parade day?
    A: Information Booth Located at City Hall - 1315 Valley Drive.
  • Q: Where are the restrooms?
    A: Porta potties are located in front of Clark Building, City Hall parking lot and Monterey and Pier.
  • Q: How long is the parade?
    A: The parade is 0.7 miles long. The parade will take 1 to 1 ½ hours to pass. It will take participants approximately 20 minutes from start to finish.
  • Q: What time does the parade end?
    A: Approximately 12:30pm-12:45pm
  • Q: Where does the parade end?
    A: The parade officially ends at Hermosa Avenue & 8 th Street.
  • Q: Where are the announcement stands?
    A: 1) Pier Avenue & Valley
    2) Pier Avenue & Monterey Blvd.
    3) Pier Avenue & Hermosa Avenue (Grand Stand)
  • Q: After the parade, how do I get back to my vehicle?
    A: Participants can have vehicles and (Buses) waiting at the end of the parade route @ 8th Street & Hermosa Avenue or can walk back to the Parking area at City Hall or Community Center. (1/2 mile)

Demographics & Data

Gender %

  • Women - 46.26%
  • Men - 53.74%

Ethnicity %

  • White - 79.2%
  • Latino - 9%
  • African American - 1.2%
  • Asian - 6%
  • Others - 4.59%

Age %

  • Under 18 - 18%
  • 18-24 – 10%
  • 25-35 – 13%
  • 36-51 -35%
  • 52-70 – 12%
  • 70+ - 12%

Attendee Origin %

  • Local Resident
  • In-State
  • Regional
  • National
  • International

Income range %

  • 0 to $24,999 – 7%
  • $25,000 to $49,999 – 8%
  • $50,000 to $74,999 – 13%
  • $75,000 to $99,999 – 13%
  • $100,000 to $149,000 – 17%
  • $150,000 and above – 42%

Previous Year Attendance: 15,000

Previous Year Total Units: 77

Legal & Fine Print

In consideration of acceptance of this entry, the entrant agrees to permit the Hermosa Beach Chamber Foundation St. Patrick’s Day Community Parade to use their names and/or photographs, films or tapes of the Units for publicity, advertising and promotional purposes.

In consideration of the acceptance of the right to participate in the Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce St. Patrick’s Day Community Parade, by execution of this entry form, I, my organization and any related participants or entrants (hereinafter referred to collectively as an Entrant), hereby release and discharge the City of Hermosa Beach, Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce, its’ officers, directors, employees, representatives and anyone else connected with management of the Hermosa Beach St. Patrick’s Day Community Parade from any and all known or unknown damages, injuries, losses, judgment and or claims from any cause whatsoever that may be suffered by any Entrant to his/her person or property. Further, each Entrant and/or each member or participant of the Entrants’ organization expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Hermosa Beach, the Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce, its’ directors, employees, representatives and anyone else connected with management or presentation of the St. Patrick’s Day Community Parade, from any and all liability including attorney fees and cost occasioned or resulting from the actions or conduct of Entrant’s guests, Entrants entry or Unit, whether it be motor powered, animal or animal drawn or otherwise, or any control of Entrant, or not under said control or direction.

Registration Details


  • Nonprofit 501(c)3 Chamber Member or Foundation Member $0
    Walking or Float. Includes 20 adults, unlimited children, 1 vehicle. Additional walkers and vehicles can be purchased. This is for all non-profit organizations including boy scouts, girl scouts, philanthropic organizations, clubs, associations, etc. 
  • Nonprofit 501(c)3 Non-Member $175
    Walking or Float. Includes 20 adults, unlimited children, 1 vehicle. Additional walkers and vehicles can be purchased. 
  • Resident $250
    Walking or Float. Includes 20 adults, unlimited children, 1 vehicle. Additional walkers and vehicles can be purchased. An individual/family that is not associated with a non-profit organization or business. 
  • Business Chamber Member $500
    Walking or Float. Includes 20 adults, unlimited children, 1 vehicle. Additional walkers and vehicles can be purchased. A parade unit that is walking in the name of a business that is a Hermosa Beach Chamber or Foundation member. 
  • Business Non-Chamber Member $1,000
    Walking or Float. Includes 20 adults, unlimited children, 1 vehicle. Additional walkers and vehicles can be purchased. A parade unit that is walking in the name of a business that IS NOT a Hermosa Beach Chamber member.
  • Equestrian/Animals $275
    Walking, no vehicles. Must provide clean up staff. Includes 20 people. Additional walkers can be purchased. A parade unit walking with animals (horses, dogs, etc). This application type precedes other application types. In other words, if there is a nonprofit rescue for dogs, you would apply under this category and NOT under nonprofit.
  • Car Clubs $300
    No Walkers. Includes 10 vehicles. Additional vehicles can be purchased. A car club that brings multiple vehicles (including golf carts) to drive the parade route.  
  • School Marching Band, Cheer or Dance Squads $0
    No limits, but subject to approval. Schools and clubs in all of Southern California are invited. A school band that is performing music, a cheer or dance squad that will be performing along the parade route.
  • Dignitary $200
    Walking or Providing Car. Includes 10 people and 1 applicant-provided vehicle. Additional walkers can be purchased. The Chamber does not provide the vehicle. If a vehicle is needed, please select in add-ons. A current/active South Bay dignitary.
  • Car for Dignitary $0
    A driver with a convertible vehicle who is willing to donate their time to drive their own vehicle in the parade with a dignitary. Need is not guaranteed and if no dignitary cars are needed, applicant may change to a resident application at the cost of $250 or withdraw application. Dignitaries should not select this option - this is for car/driver donations.

**Note that membership benefits are extended only to the listed member. For example, if a family is a member of the Foundation, they cannot enroll as a business that they own or belong to. If however the business is a member, they qualify for the membership discount.


  • Additional walkers/individuals @ $25 each (max 25 adults, unlimited children) total participants per parade unit) Exceptions offered on a request basis
  • Additional vehicles @ $50 each (maximum of 15 vehicles per parade unit)
  • Car for Dignitary @ $100 each (we make a donation to a car museum to provide the vehicle for the dignitary).

Each category (called a Parade Unit) includes 20 adults and unlimited children.  For additional people to be added to the Parade Unit, there is a $25 per person.

Entry confirmation will be made by email. All registration materials and entry identification will be issued by the Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce or Chamber Foundation. 

All parade entrants including individuals, organizations, groups, businesses and non-profit organizations participating in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade must provide the Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce or Hermosa Beach Chamber Foundation with a Certificate of Insurance providing personal injury and property damage liability insurance with a minimum coverage of $1 million combined single limit coverage. Insurance is to be placed  with insurers with a current AM Best’s rating of no less than A:VII.

No cancellations with refunds this year due to costs of production.

We reserve the right to refuse applications at our discretion as necessary.

Event is outdoors, so please plan accordingly, this is a rain or shine event.  No refunds will be made should the event be subjected to weather.  

Parade Rules


  1. All Parade participants must check-in (virtual or in-person depending on your unit type). See individual instructions.
  2. Only Parade Unit(s) are allowed in the Staging Area.
  3. All units must have a Unit Number to participate in the parade. Unit numbers must be displayed on the right front of your entry to identify the unit to the announcing stage(s) and Parade Marshals.
  4. NO candy or any other objects shall be thrown from any parade unit. Failure to abide by this rule will mean immediate removal from the parade. This is an insurance liability requirement and we could lose the ability to produce the parade for violations.
  5. Children under the age of 5 must be in an automobile or float, unless they are part of a walking Unit.
  6. Children walking units will not be allowed to walk outside the entry and must be accompanied by Adult(s) at all times within the entry.
  7. NO Alcohol permitted anywhere along the parade route.
  8. NO Person(s) or article(s) are allowed to hang over the sides of Floats or Vehicles. If a Unit is in violation of this rule the Unit will be removed from parade lineup immediately.
  9. The Parade is a Forward Motion parade; units may not STOP to perform in front of the announcer's stand or anywhere along the parade route, which may disrupt the flow of the parade. Parade Marshal’s instructions to resume movement must be promptly followed. All units must keep pace with the unit ahead of them to ensure there are not reasonable gaps, which interrupt the forward flow of the Parade.
  10. Parade Units must continue moving until you have returned to the disband area at 8th Street and Hermosa Avenue. No stopping or unloading will be allowed prior to disbanding, (Strictly Enforced) as this will cause congestion and delays in the Parade.
  11. Participants shall clean up any materials or debris left in the staging area by your Unit(s). This applies particularly (but not exclusively) to units with animals.
  12. Owners of Parade vehicles shall ensure that such vehicles are insured, as required by the State of California law.
  13. Drivers of motor vehicles must remain with the vehicle at all times.
  14. Parade applicants shall clearly identify a person or persons in charge of their Unit who may be contacted by Parade Monitors or other Parade officials regarding parade rules violations.
  15. Float or U-Haul Trailer are allowed. NO buses of any type may be entered.

We reserve the right to refuse applications at our discretion as necessary.

Event is outdoors, so please plan accordingly, this is a rain or shine event.  No refunds will be made should the event be subjected to weather.  


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