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Hermosa Beach Chamber Foundation

In an effort to continue to produce treasured community events that largely benefit the South Bay community, the Board of Directors of the Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce voted to form a new community foundation in 2021 to fundraise, plan, and produce treasured community traditions like the St. Patrick's Day Parade and Hermosa for the Holidays.

The Hermosa Beach Chamber Foundation (HBC Foundation) is a fully filed and verified 501(c)3. Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible. Consult your tax advisor for more information.

Our Mission: To provide community-building events, activities, and services to the City of Hermosa Beach that cultivate a sense of community, tradition, and goodwill.

EIN: 87-3464101 Tax Exemption Status

Our Events

St. Patrick's Day Parade

Hermosa for the Holidays

Founding Membership

As the first fundraising effort of the Foundation, we are seeking community members who wish to be a "Founding Member." This is an opportunity for donors to not only contribute to the community they work and live in, but also an opportunity to be listed as a Founding Member on all materials.

Founding Member - Business: $1,000 initial contribution and pledge to continue annually by the end of December

Founding Member - Family/Individual/Nonprofit: $500 initial contribution and pledge to continue annually by the end of December

Membership includes:

  • Listing on website
  • Invitation to annual “thank you” event
  • Contribute to decision making of events
  • **Listing as sponsor on all Foundation events (signage, web, etc)
  • **Listing on organization letterhead

Foundation Leadership

Although typically, the "Chamber" is universally referred to for all Chamber-related events, the Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau and the Hermosa Beach Chamber Foundation have two completely separate budgets, financials and board of directors. Below are the current board of directors.

President: Katie Vernon
Secretary: Jan Brittain
Treasurer: Liz Tyndorf
Executive Director: Michelle Crispin (interim)
Board Members: Anthony Morrison, Tom Moroney, Kathy Dunbabin

Should you have any questions about the Chamber Foundation and its activities, please email

General Membership

General members do not pledge to contribute each year but instead join year by year without commitment.

Member - Business: $500 initial contribution and pledge to continue annually by the end of December

Member - Family/Individual: $250 initial contribution and pledge to continue annually by the end of December

Membership includes:

  • Listing on website
  • Invitation to annual “thank you” event
  • Special t-shirt or apparel
  • Contribute to decision making of events

St. Patrick's Day Parade - March 16

For those who are not interested in a long-term investment, individual one-time contributions are also welcome. As we are currently fundraising for the St. Patrick's Day Parade, we are seeking contributions in the following amounts to ensure all community and nonprofit organizations in Hermosa are able to participate.

$500 - fully funds the participation of a nonprofit in the parade
$250 - contributes to the production expenses of the parade

We also welcome contributions in other amounts. We are grateful for your support!

Make a pledge and we'll invoice you at your requested time.

Are you 70 1/2 years of age?

You can join membership or make a donation to the Chamber Foundation through a Qualified Charitable Distribution, or QCD from an IRA account for an income tax reduction. Click here to learn more.

Founding members as of 2025:

The Accamando Tull Family
Sandy Anleu
The Art Group of Hermosa Beach
Athens Services
The Auville Family
Baker, Burton & Lundy, P.C.
Jan Brittain
Cal Water
Stephanie Cheak
The Cohn Family
Dr. Michael Collins and Dr. Mary Campbell
The Detoy Family
The Dunbabin Family
The Enstice Family
The Friedberg Five
Friends of the Hermosa Beach Museum
The Garmise Family
Russ & Sarah Gilbert
Sumeet Goel
Jess and Andy Gregg
Scott and Rachel Hayes
Hermosa Beach Rotary Club
Hermosa Cyclery
Robert & Kathy Jones
Kathy Knoll and Jeff Bonafede
The Koffler Mackie Family
Amy and Eric Krauter
Lange Family
Lenny & Teodora - LaRocca Real Estate
Leadership Hermosa Beach
The Main Family
Erika & Greg Newman
The Nichols Family
Ryan Nowicki
Eric and Belinda Oakes
Jeannie Penner-More
Piper Preschool
Jeff Raedy
The Reznichek Family
Ellen Robbins
Josh and Rachael Royal
The Sheldon Family
SkyOne Federal Credit Union
The South Bay Boardrider's Club
The Valenzuela Family
The Vernon Family
Kathy & Tom Welch

Or make your check payable to the 'Hermosa Beach Chamber Foundation' and deliver to 120 Pier Avenue, Hermosa Beach CA 90254 Attn: Chamber Foundation.

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